10 Secrets make you unique in Interview

Be a unique one among others
Interview is so essential that you may not make an impression without performing the best in board. Here is some secret tips to make you unique in an interview board.

Be a unique one

Try to make a great first impression

# Dress code,an essential makes an impression which is treated as the last impression. Dress code should be very simple but might be very clean. And the colors should be which are suited you the most like black or blue.

Dress Code for men only

Dress code for men only and wearing these one can catch the attention of interviewer.
Dress code for men only and wearing these one can catch the attention of interviewer.


Here, hairstyle is in the part of dress code. Hair should be cut into a smaller. Small hairstyle attracts the attention, but very long and clumsy hair are not allowed in most of the viva board. So, long hairstyle can't be a good choice to enter into the board.

An example of cutting hair for interview

An example of cutting hair for interview
An example of cutting hair for interview

Steps should be taken depend upon situation

#Entering into the room with a lots of confidence. Trying to tell Good morning, afternoon rather than may I come in which is very common now a days.
#Introduction should be job related and your quality to fulfill the criteria of the job. Here traditional personal details, academic details might be ignored hardly.
#Answering the asked questions with the eye contact. Never feel ashamed in front of the interviewers.
#Telling your future plan according to the situation.In this case telling lies may benefit you.
#Don't mixing up with English and Bengali. If you are weak at English ask for the permission for speaking in Bengali.
#7. Trying for the smallest conversation if you can deliver here which assists you with fewer question.
# Sir or Mam might be used in most of the cases.

Ensuring proper steps under the situation

Ensuring proper steps under the situation
Ensuring proper steps under the situation

Special tricks

Entering into a board of interview is also an important issue. Here full of confidence is required badly. Eye contact with the interviewers refers to the confidence level of a job seeker. Feeling shameful in a viva board is always considered as one of the biggest crimes in a job sector but you can allow to do some crimes like telling lies in a viva board for the sake of your own welfare and the criteria of the mentioned job. Another simple mistake is mixing up both English and Bengali language in the South Asian countries like Bangladesh. So, it is totally prohibited. And try to answer the questions with a brief term and with a ease that is helpful to catch the attention of the interviewers.

Some tricks are used here

Some tricks is used here
Some tricks is used here
Some tricks is used here
Some tricks is used here

Finishing touch

#Always try to smile and make the others them smiley as well.
#In the finishing touch or role you should sake hands even for the madam try it and believe me it worked for me and I wish if it were also helpful to all of you.
Here finishing touch is very important for completing a successful viva. Do not forget about smile because it helps a lot to catch the attention of the interviewers. And the last thing is that you should shake your hands properly by giving a finishing line to your viva voice.

Considered as a pillar

Viva voice or it is treated as interview by most of us,the most important section of performing great in a sector which is much more related to your desired jobs. Giving an outstanding performance in interview is always considered as a pillar of having your desired job. Without performing well enough in a viva board it is almost impossible to achieve a job. On the other hand, performing great compared to others it is almost impossible to restrict you to achieve the job. And here is the secret of using these tips and having successful in your career by acquiring the most handsome job in your territory. So, following ten things that can make you both unique and successful person.

Be a confident person

Be a confident person in viva board.
Be a confident person in viva board.
Always be positive

Why did it work?

Following these ten simple as well as the easiest tasks I found myself very confident in the board of interview. Do not try to be over smart here. Because the people was involved into your interview, they were too smart to describe in a word. So, try to make you smart but not the smartest one and I reckon these tips can help you towards your career as well as your journey.


Under all the circumstances stated above I really feel that these ten things can be very handy to get your desired job. At least try it only once and believe me it will become a helpful tip for each and every body.
At last these tips cannot be failed if they were followed properly and with an honest means. If you are failed severe times by following these tips then you should know the proper reason of your failure but not just blame the tips I have provided here in a brief article.

Your Feelings towards viva board

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  • 100% Confident
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Tips and tricks

"Mentioning the most effective secret tips here in a viva board in front of some elite people might help all of us. Thanks in advance because I am sure of it's capability."


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